

Two Days, One Night

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Director: Luc Dardenne & Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Cast: Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione
1hr 35min
French with English subtitles
Cannes Film Festival 2014 – Official Competition

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In Two Days, One Night, French actress Marion Cotillard (Sandra) only has one weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their annual bonuses so that she can keep her job.
At the heart of this story is a woman’s fight for her dignity and the dilemma of a working-class heroine torn apart by an unfair choice imposed to her.

This social drama is the latest project taken on by the multi-award winning Dardenne brothers – Palme d’Or winners in 1999 (Rosetta) and 2005 (The Child). Marion Cottillard’s brilliant performance earned her a second Academy Award Nomination for the 2015 Best Actress Oscar.




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